For two days, I checked my screen time usage. Thereafter, I stopped checking because it made me too sad.
I may think that there are not enough hours in a day, but there are. However, because so many of those hours are spent on my phone, the day seems way shorter than it actually is.
I spend hours watching YouTube videos, then I go into Whatsapp, and leave, not bothering to reply to messages, rather just happy that I do have messages.
It's strange, and I do not understand it. I'm trying to figure out the reason behind my phone addiction. The way I constantly check it is unhealthy. So I'm going to come up with a few reasons as to why I think I do this:
1. A distraction
I do it to get outside of my head. If I remain idle, my mind will go crazy. Therefore, my phone acts as a buffer, so that I do not think.
2. Lack of adventure
Covid has caused a lot of us to have to remain inside. Most of us probably want to go out and go on adventures, but we can't. So, the phone becomes a way to entertain oneself.
There are way more reasons I may be on my phone for so long; it could be laziness, or sometimes procrastination. Maybe it's just me trying to fill a void of some sort.
Whatever it is, I wish that one day, soon, we could go out and meet with each other again, hug without fear and laugh without masks.
I hope that one day, our days are filled with so much fun, that we forget where we placed our devices.
If you struggle with spending too much time on the phone; write your reasons why. I'd like to hear it.
With love
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