Would you be willing to post your perspective in the comments below. I've been struggling with a question:
Do coincidences exist?
And if they do, what causes them?
Does everything happen for a reason- or do some events happen for no reason at all?
I really want to know what you think! Don't be shy.
With love
You Are Never Alone.
This is so good, thank you for this LeAnn. It makes this topic more interesting, it makes one wonder. Yet, this is beautiful. That perhaps, coincidences show that that God is still present even in the little things, in the details. I appreciate your answer.❤️💜
ooh that's a good question, umm if I'm completely honest, I think coincidences do happen, but they happen for a reason.
The coincidence may have made you feel a certain way about something and then go on to influence your actions. It may cause you to relate and bond with someone and start a friendship.
I think they can be blessings in disguise as well - like if something didn't work out, but later on, down the line, you realise it was for the better, and you may class it as a 'coincidence'.
I like to think of coincidences as little signs from God telling us that He's still present and active in our lives, even when we may not…